About Art(wip) Music(wip) Media (wip) Links(wip)


hiiii! welcome to my website!
im currently working on getting this place set up, so excuse any rough edges.

for right now, why don't you check out my itch.io (linked in side bar)! all my games/zines are archived there, so just look around!

have funnn

also check out my pets :3

Adopt one today! Adopt one today!
refresh 2 change song


added this page. thanks almost sweet!


HIII!!! this icon is from here!i love making games!!!!!

link exchange

[Tumblr] [Game site] [Music] [Art (archive)] [Zines] [Comics]


171px × 281px


this site is made by forgdeer/removefoulfoe
design by almost sweet - resources